Is Your Child Complying With Scoliosis Treatment?

Young people with scoliosis frequently have to wear back braces to ease the curvature of the spine, but despite the benefits of this kind of treatment, many patients are hesitant to comply. Wearing a brace can make children with scoliosis worried about everything from acceptance from their peers to how a brace will affect their abilities to take part in school activities. To get around these concerns, young people are prone to non-compliance with their treatment plans, which allows their conditions to worsen.
If your child has a brace for scoliosis, there are many things you can do to increase their treatment compliance. Encourage your child to work closely with their spine doctor to ensure that the brace is as comfortable as possible. Explore clothing options designed specifically for young people with braces. Keep the lines of communication open so that your child talks to you about compliance challenges instead of trying to get away without wearing the brace.
Scoliosis is challenging for young patients, but the Spine Institute of Nevada is here to help with cutting-edge therapies for a range of spine problems. If your child has scoliosis in Las Vegas, make an appointment by calling 702-239-3787.