FAQs About Spinal Tumors

The growth of abnormal cells can occur in virtually any part of the body, including the spine. However, some people might assume that these growths to be malignant, which is not always the case. Benign tumors can also form in the spine and complicate its health. No matter the nature of the tumors, though, those diagnosed with them should keep in mind that spine experts can address their conditions with several effective treatment strategies.
Why Do Spinal Tumors Develop?
Spine experts know that hereditary causes are sometimes the reason behind spinal tumors. Neurofibromatosis 2 is one such condition parents may pass along to their children that can lead to growth in the spine. Neurological specialists believe that environmental factors can also prompt the development of spinal tumors. Yet in the majority of cases, spinal tumors are idiopathic, meaning that they have no known cause.
What Warning Signs Do They Present?
Individuals with spinal tumors may not realize that they suffer from abnormal growths until they begin to interfere with their spinal functions. For instance, as a spinal tumor grows, the likelihood that it might press upon a nerve increases. This pressure can then affect functions that those nerve cells control. In some cases, spinal tumors can disrupt motor coordination. Limb numbness and back pain can also occur.
How Can Spine Specialists Treat Spinal Tumors?
The nature of treatment for spinal tumors depends on whether they are malignant or benign and their location along the spinal cord. Some circumstances may demand only oral medications to shrink growths in the spine. If the tumors do not respond to conservative treatment measures, though, spine experts may decide that surgery is the next option to preserve function in the affected areas and prevent further tumor growth.
Do you suffer from back pain or limb weakness? If so, now is the time to call the Spine Institute of Nevada at 702-239-3787 for a consultation. Our Las Vegas clinic offers safe and effective treatment strategies for individuals experiencing discomfort and reduced motor function due to spinal tumors, damaged discs, and other spine-related problems.