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Orthopedic Spine Treatments

Our highly skilled staff combined with our board-certified surgeon make us a top-notch option for your spine care.

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Best of Las Vegas Gold Winner

Our highly skilled staff combined with our board-certified surgeon make us a top-notch option for your spine care.

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Your Destination for Spine Relief

Our highly skilled staff combined with our board-certified surgeon make us a top-notch option for your spine care.

Your Las Vegas Spine Surgeon – Dr. Archie Perry

The Spine Institute of Nevada offers top-tier spine surgery to Las Vegas residents and Nevadans across the state. With more than a decade of experience providing quality spinal care, Dr. Archie Perry of Spine Institute Nevada promises premier care you can trust. As a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Perry and our dedicated staff have helped thousands of patients alleviate their back pain and spinal deformities. We believe everyone deserves the increased quality of life that comes with a pain-free back, and we are committed to helping you overcome any spine-related ailment. Our comprehensive spine care services include treating spinal deformities and performing minimally invasive surgeries that remedy back pain and neck pain. Don’t waste another day suffering through back or neck pain that impedes your daily life. Choose the Spine Institute of Nevada to reclaim your mobility and commit to a happier, healthier life.

Restore Your Mobility & Quality of Life

Your spine is one of the most Important parts of your body. When it is not functioning optimally, your overall health can suffer. Not to mention, your quality of life will likely decrease if you are battling chronic neck and back pain. Here at the Spine Institute of Nevada, the health of your spine is our top priority. Whether you need spine surgery or less invasive care, we will work toward identifying the root cause of your discomfort. Our experts facilitate discussions with each patient about their specific concerns and work with each individual to design a custom treatment plan. We understand that not every spine is created equal. Our patient’s needs and the severity of their pain vary that is why we take great care in creating personalized treatment plans that are most likely to provide you with long-term relief.

Dr. Archie Perry from Spine Institute of Nevada

Your Las Vegas Spine Surgeon – Dr. Archie Perry

When seeking care for your spine, it is vital to choose a surgeon you trust. Dr. Archie Perry prides himself on being the spine doctor and surgeon Nevadans’ trust. Born, raised, and educated in Las Vegas, NV, Dr. Perry is dedicated to relieving the back pain plaguing his community. You can expect expert, compassionate care when you make an appointment with the Spine Institute of Nevada. As a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon with over 17 years of practicing, you can rest assured you are in good hands with Dr. Perry.

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Comprehensive Spinal Surgery Services

The Spine Institute of Nevada seeks to help with all of your spine-related issues. We offer a full spectrum of spinal repair services, pain management, and physical therapy, as well as the spine surgery specialties we have listed below.

Minimally Invasive Surgery

If you have a disc herniation, bone spurs, or spine instability, Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) can help. MIS is the preferred method among our patients for high accuracy and shorter recovery time. You can trust Dr. Perry to use our state-of-the-art technology and his higher surgical success rate to cure your spinal pains with less blood loss and less hassle than traditional surgery methods.

Back Pain

The Spine Institute of Nevada is the area’s leading provider in repairing common and traumatic back injuries. If you are concerned with an injury or pain in your cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine, Dr. Perry can help. Don’t settle for acute or chronic back pain. Turn to our expert team to alleviate your pain today

Spinal Deformities

If you are one of the nearly three million Americans who suffer from scoliosis or kyphosis, the Spine Institute of Nevada can help. Our specialized treatment of spinal deformities is suited for both children and adults.

Contact Us Today for Back Pain Relief

Make an appointment with us today with us today to receive premier spine care. You can visit either our southwest, central, or northwest office to begin treatment. Commit to a happier, healthier, pain-free life today with the Spine Institute of Nevada!

Spine Institute of Nevada

2800 E. Desert Inn Rd., Ste. 100
Las Vegas, NV 89121


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM